
I’m Martin. A professional from the business and IT world with a passion for innovation. I strive to leverage my knowledge in technology and business to create projects in AI, home automation, and various DIY ideas. My love for family, mountains, and travel not only fuels my inspiration but also offers a much-needed escape from the digital world. Here, you’ll get a glimpse into my life, where I aim to balance my professional interests with family life and an active lifestyle. Welcome to my digital residence!

What I Write About and What I’m Interested In:

  • Home Automation: Creating a smart home by automating everyday household processes and integrating various technologies into the home environment.
  • DIY Projects: Hands-on creation of technological and creative solutions, from simple gadgets to complex machines.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Exploring leading trends, research, and applications in AI, with a focus on its ethics and societal impact.
  • Biohacking: Optimizing physical and mental health through technology, including supplements, tools, and methods.
  • Mountains and Travel: Personal experiences, tips, and tricks for travel, with a focus on mountain trips and exploring nature.
  • Active Lifestyle: Running, training routines, and advice on maintaining physical fitness in harmony with a professional life.
  • Family Life: Balancing a professional career with family commitments, parenting tips, and sharing meaningful moments with loved ones.